Sunday, 7 August 2011


Yesterday was Carnival Day here in Tankerton/Whitstable.

The big parade of floats gathered at 4pm to start their slow journey through town at 5pm.   The weather had been beautiful all day until 3.30pm when the wind picked up and it started to RAIN!   Typical British Summer weather!

We picked a viewing point midway on the planned route where there weren't many spectators .... there were several floats carrying Beauty Queens and their attendants from various neighbouring towns and they weren't really geared for bad weather.       At the point the floats passed us most of the participants had given up putting on brave faces so David took it upon himself to encourage them to smile and wave .... some you win, some you lose:

Not very happy ....

She was the fore-runner and she almost did ... run, that is!!   Not a happy Bunny is she?

The faces say it all ...

They tried manfully but flags don't operate very well in wind and rain ....

But we Brits usually manage to cope with our unpredictable weather ... 

This fundraiser (for Sea Cadets) wasn't at all bothered by the rain

This little lady was well prepared .... and quite enjoying herself I think

Making the most of things .....

Who cares about the pretty dress - blankets and umbrellas are the order of the day I think!


  1. Looks like a fun parade, Sue, except for all the rain! I like Mary Poppins and the dancing in the streets! I looked up where your town is because i had no idea. My husband was just in your area (sort of) for the British Open back in July. He enjoyed the area although didn't elaborate on much more than the golf course and the players. Men!

  2. Hi Kendra - We're on the North Kent coast in England - about 5 minutes walk from the sea.

    It is a busy time of year for us - the British Open is at Sandwich (approx 20 miles away) which increases tourism for the area.

    We've just 'enjoyed' a 2 week 'Oyster Festival' lots of activities every day/night - Whitstable is famous for its oysters. Saturday's parade was part of the local Tankerton Festival and this coming weekend we have two days of festivities on the beach as its the Whitstable Regatta (local yacht club and Lions charity) - culminating in a huge Fireworks display - I really hope the weather improves for that!!

    Then we'll all retire to our beds for a week of sleep to recover!

  3. love the collie :D
    meh its only water, it dries and gives some people a reason to dry off drinking in a pub :p
    that does look like a lot of rain tho o.0


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