Monday 6 April 2015

06/04: I'M LATE, I'M LATE

Well I thought the title was appropriate as its Easter and White Rabbit time ....   and I'm running late.   We're flying off to our house on Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, at 6.20 tomorrow (leaving home at 2.30am) and I'm just starting to do the housework before our sitter arrives tomorrow and sort out the packing.

In our case the packing is just what goodies we can fit into hand luggage and this time we're taking daffodils, gammon joints and OXO cubes (for a friend), cheddar cheese, baking trays and bun tins (cheaper and nicer than the ones we can buy there) and hot cross buns.  If there's spare capacity I'll take some paperback books also.

Anyway, just a very quick post to show the little bit of extra work done on 'Sax on the Beach' ... I'm beginning to like him better now that more colour/depth is helping to pull it together a bit - and detract from that blooming saxaphone that I struggled with.

Sunday 5 April 2015


We've been visiting parents today and on the way home we stopped off a local bird/wildlife sanctuary just to get some fresh air and exercise with a brief walk.

After yesterday's dismal weather, today was bright and sunny (but cold in the breeze) and I just love the blossom beginning to emerge on the hedgerow trees

Even though its Easter Sunday (public holiday) the local farmers were working, making the most of the good weather.    The gulls love to follow the tractors as they turn over the soil and throw up all sorts of goodies along with the dust!

on the 'arty' front ... I've done a little bit of work on the 'Sax on the Beach' drawing.    I've been darkening/deeping colours and although I'm still not very enthusiastic about the drawing, I think I'll persevere with it and see what happens ....


just a reminder ... this is where I 'abandoned' him a while ago.    Not a lot of difference yet but I'm working on it - I think strengthening the colours will make the image a little more interesting.

Saturday 4 April 2015

04/04: MOVING ON

I'd hoped to go to a local Point to Point Race today (A Point to Point is a form of horse-race/Steeplechase over fences for hunting horses and amateur riders).   I'd love to get some ref. shots of the horses/riders in action or covered in mud after the event!     But the weather has been pretty grim here for the last couple of days so I changed my mind and stayed home.

The sun did eventually show its face late this afternoon but by then I'd lost all inclination to do anything 'outdoors'.

For the moment I'm going to call this drawing finished (2nd attempt at the girl with the red hat/fan).   I've changed lots of things from the first version but still not sure about this result.    I'm trying to keep the emphasis on the red items (specifically chosen to match the frame/mount I bought on sale) so wanted a very subdued colour for the blouse but I think I prefer the pale mauve colour of the first version.    

Its another drawing I'll keep to one side and do the final tweaks when I've had a break from it and can then see it with 'fresh eyes'.   I'm happy with fewer braids though.

and this is photographed with the frame/glass laid over the top ... what looks like 'stains/patchy finish' on the drawing is just shadows/glares from the glass

I'm now thinking of going back to Sax on the Beach and seeing if I feel happier working on him now!  

Friday 3 April 2015


I hope everyone is enjoying the Easter weekend so far?    The weather here in Kent is pretty grim with drizzly rain and grey skies so what better to do than sit in a warm room and draw!

This is the second version of the Girl with the Red Hat/Fan ... (title still to be confirmed) and I'm fairly happy with it so far.  As mentioned in a previous post, this version is coloured pencils on white Clairefontaine Pastelmat paper which is really meant for Pastel Artwork but works pretty well with cps.    The white is slightly creamy so I'm hoping it will be OK with the white Mount/Mat which came with the square frame.  If not, I'll just have to get a cream Mount cut of course.

Photographed this morning in reasonable light

and later this afternoon when the light was poor ... I brightened the picture slightly but unfortunately that has made the contrast a little to stark .... will worry about getting a good photo once the drawing is further advanced

I still have the option to add braids, extend length of braids etc but sometimes 'least is best' I think.   I've called a halt today as it has taken an age to get real depth of colour into the red hat/fan and I need a break before starting on her hands (always a difficult subject for me).

So ... off to sort out Dinner now and then a chill-out evening with hubby and ... Guess what!   we seem to have bought one-too-many Easter Eggs for the family.   I'm not a chocolate lover but it would be churlish not to have a small piece at Easter wouldn't it?