If I sat down with my pastels and didn't stop for any breaks, I reckon I'd finish a single subject (from a good ref photo) in about 6 - 12 hours depending on the complexity. But its the waiting time that drags things out isn't it?
I'm waiting for final approval from Jake's owner (Border Collie) and for further feedback/instructions/approval from Jack's owner (horse).
I'm also waiting to hear from my client who commissioned the portrait of him and his girlfriend. He collected the portrait at 8am yesterday and was going to propose to her last night. He promised to keep me updated but I haven't heard back ... don't like to text him .. just in case :o(
Anyway, this is an update on Jack the horse. His owner is overseas at the moment but, from memory, she thought his forelock should be 'fluffier' and his mane darker (I hadn't coloured it in the scan I sent to her). She also thought his nostrils were too flared, but I think they look that way in the ref, so I need to wait for her input again.
May as well pour myself a glass of wine whilst waiting .... cheers, m'dears!!