Friday, 18 October 2013

18/10: ON THE MEND

OK, so frozen shoulder is no longer frozen - just a few pins/needles and niggles but all in working order again.    Man Flu on its way out and holiday injections done and dusted (off to India in New Year so getting the nasty jabs and stuff out of the way early)!

I've almost forgotten how to hold a pencil it seems - today I was visited by a journalist from a local newspaper who wanted a short bio about me/my work/my interests as part of a series about local people.   I seemed to waffle on a lot so hope she could make sense of it all and the article won't be too weird.   A photographer popped in this afternoon to take pics of me at my drawing board.    I'm not actually taking on commissions just now (having a 6 month break to concentrate on other stuff) so the pictures are a bit staged really, me sitting with the gorilla drawing in my hands and the original ref photo on my computer screen in the background .. but hope it will all look right on the night!   I think the article will be in print next week.

Exciting times.

We have a group of friends coming round tomorrow afternoon for our 'annual get-together' which is normally a BBQ but we're late this year and I don't fancy our chances with the weather .. so it will be a buffet type spread, eaten indoors.  I'm preparing as much as possible today, marinading chicken pieces etc., to make life easier tomorrow.  These friendships were formed when we all kept our horses at the same yard, years ago.  Sadly the horses have now all gone (mine hung on the longest, bless) and
since moving to Whitstable I don't get to see the group as often as I used to, so its good to catch up but I suspect it will be an alcofrolic afternoon/evening - plenty of ballast needed methinks!

Talking of alcohol ...

Was it really just 3 weeks ago we were sitting by the harbour at Corralejo having a leisurely tapas lunch and watching the world go by ... trying to catch the sea breezes as the weather was unusually hot/humid?

We've found a lovely tapas bar/BBQ which offers a very basic menu (90% local fish) at non-tourist prices.  I'm not a 'fishy person' but David was overjoyed to find they served grilled sardines at just €3 for a plate of 4.   I loved their grilled veggie kebabs, also €3 per plate, which included peppers, aubergine, tomatoes, onions, celery, mushrooms and potatoes.

Another one being delivered, ready for the BBQ

As the famous Fuerteventura breezes had disappeared for 3 weeks, even the locals were finding the heat a bit oppressive, but it led to some wonderful effects on the sea, which was the calmest I've seen it for years

I took loads of photos of this bay which is beside our favourite tapas bar, but this one probably shows the 'sparkles' best although its not the greatest photo - all those half boats etc.   There are a few breakers in the background but normally that section has huge waves, after all Fuerteventura is a windsurfers' paradise - not much fun for them when the sea is as calm as this

On Fuerteventura its common to see crumbling plaster/paint on exterior walls which looks unsightly but basically its a combination of builders not putting in damp-courses and/or using unwashed sand which contains sea salt so leads to 'efflorescence' which bubbles up and takes the surface plaster/paint with it.   En route from our house to the beach path into town, we pass a villa whose walls have suffered badly.  The owners have covered the lower half of the wall with local stone/tiles but now the problem has risen above the tiles.    I loved what some bright spark had done to this section of peeled paint

Made me smile each time I walked past it ... and on that happy note I'll finish waffling.    Have a great weekend everybody.


  1. glad that your shoulder is feeling better and man flu is on the way out

    ooh india! always wanted to go

  2. Glad everyone getting better. Didn't know you were heading to India, lucky you. Hope your get together goes well tomorrow. Enjoyed your post.

  3. So many cool things you're doing! The upcoming get-togther sounds like a blast! And congrats on the article! Maybe you can post it when it comes out?

  4. Onwards and upwards then with your health. Thank goodness for that. And have a lovely indulgent weekend local celebrity extraodinaire!

  5. Thanks ladies .... I'm going to be a legend in my own lunchtime perhaps? I can't even remember what we talked about so the article will come as a big surprise to me :-)

    Its nice to be back Blogging ... too easy to get out of the habit after a break, I've still got lots of your posts to catch up with but am getting there slowly.

    Back to the kitchen now - got to get all the food ready for this afternoon

  6. Glad you're back, Sue. Do hope you'll share the article!


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